Weaving Connections
We are all about community
Our vision is ‘people have enough relationships
and connections to support wellbeing
and grow community’.
Our vision is ‘people
have enough relationships and connections to support wellbeing
and grow community’.

If you would like to get some people together and do something you are interested in, but you are not sure how to do that – a Connecting Coach can help! A Get-Together often happens just one time, but sometimes the same people like to meet up again.
This approach allows us to work together
- Thinking about how you would like to connect with others
- Working out what you would like to do based on your interests
- Sharing the planning tasks to get ready
- Supporting you as you host the get-together
- Checking in how it went and look at next steps
Learning Space
You meet with a group of people over a few weeks, to learn about a suggested topic everyone involved thinks is important. These spaces are gently paced so everyone can ask questions, share ideas, and help each other to think and learn. A small team is made up of 1 or 2 people who receive support from Options (developing small group skills as facilitators) and a Connecting Coach. They all have a passion for the topic and help run the sessions.
This approach allows us to work together
- Supporting everyone’s learning, including the facilitators
- Offering check-ins during sessions to see how it’s going
- Inviting feedback so the facilitators can adjust pace or try a variety of activities or spend more less time on each topic
Sharing Story
People meet to share their success stories and/or challenges with each other about a chosen topic. This is a space to share your knowledge and experiences with different people and/or learn from others.
This approach allows us to work together
- Deciding what the kaupapa- purpose will be
- Working out with you what you want to share
- Finding people who are happy to share on the chosen topic
- Sharing skills so you can co-host the session together with a Connecting Coach
Circle of Supporters
A regular meeting space to help you think about something that is important to you. Each circle has a few members who share their ideas so you can decide what next steps to take to help this thing happen.
This approach allows us to think together
- Helping you decide who to invite and where to find some new people
- Upskilling you to help run the meetings
- Coaching the circle supporters to follow a clear process
- Deciding when the Connecting Coach steps away once your circle is established
- Inviting the Connecting Coach to help your circle review and next steps
Virginia is pleased to share at an international Hui the comic she co-designed to tell her story
Ruth joined our community Sharing Story session to talk about the benefits of being a circle member.
These approaches have been developed from listening to people’s experiences, their stories about their need for social connections and the positive changes that they notice in their lives as they build more.
They help people connect and support each other to do the things that matter to them