Team One Palmerston North

What people like and admire about us
- Combine knowledge
- Approachable
- Reliable
- Supportive
- Diverse ages and skills
- Dedicated
- Open conversation
- Cheerfulness
- Fun loving
- Friendly
- Great Māori pronunciation
What’s important to us
- Peer support
- Work/life balance
- Feeling valued
- Honesty
What we are pleased about
- How we get along with each other
- Commited to providing quality support
- How we support each other and feel safe to voice our opinion
- As a team we are person-centerd
- Feeling a part of a team even when working individually
What we are learning about our mahi
- Learning what we are good at and knowing our strengths and weaknesses
- We apply our values to our work
- We continue to learn and apply person-centered tools
- To encourage and provide quidance to the people we support to reach their goals.