Billie Stockman
Service Coordinator

Nelson – [email protected]
Tēnā koutou,
Ko Rangitoto te Maunga
Ko Waipa te Awa
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Maniapoto tōku iwi
Ko Pare Tapato tōku hapū.
No Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta ahau
Ko Billie Stockman tōku ingoa
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
What other people like and admire about me
- Honest and reliable
- My resilience and determination
- Fun and Funny
- People admire my sense of social justice and fairness.
- Kindness and empathetic
- My helpful nature
- People like my cheekiness, wit and …a bit sarcastic, but not a meany!
What is important to me
- My whanau and friends, my Adult kids and my 1st Grandie! , My partner
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
- Stability and routine
- My cat
- My house
- People living their authentic lives without judgment.
- My Whakapapa, this gives me a sense of belonging, I’m not religious but Tikanga Māori is close to my heart and important.
I’m definitely a morning person!
- I don’t like to rush in the morning, I NEED my coffee, 1 in the morning and 1 before 10am
What you need to know and do to support me at work
- I am very process driven, I like edges, however I understand the need to be flexible, I’m not being finicky -its my way
- Training, coaching, support and development
- Check in with me please, just see how I’m going, Let’s talk!
- Know that I am thorough, and detailed and will check, then recheck -this is way WAY less nowadays.
- I need background noise, I find it difficult to work in silence, I love national radio.
- I need to keep my workload realistic because I have the tendency to take on more work than needed.
- I have RBF (resting B#$^H face, I’m fine, I’m just concentrating!
- I like to know that my work people “have my back”.