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Learning together as people take the lead in their lives, creating new opportunities to connect within their communities.

Author: Tautoko Options

Billie Stockman

Nelson – [email protected] Tēnā koutou, Ko Rangitoto te Maunga Ko Waipa te Awa Ko Tainui te Waka Ko Maniapoto tōku iwi Ko Pare Tapato tōku hapū. No Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta ahau Ko Billie Stockman tōku ingoa Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa What other people like and admire about me Honest and reliable My resilience and determination Fun and Funny People admire my sense of social justice and fairness. Kindness and empathetic My helpful nature People like my cheekiness, wit and …a bit sarcastic, but not a meany! What is important to me My whanau...

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