Alecia Donohue
Service Coordinator

Ko Putauaki me Taranaki te Maunga
Ko Rangitaiki me Waitara te Awa
Ko Mataatua me Tokomaru te Waka
Ko Ngati Awa me Te Ati Awa te Iwi
Ko Ngati Pukeko me Puketapu te Hapu
Ko Alecia toku ingoa
What people like and admire about me
- My resilience
- Good listener
- My ability to be flexible
- Open to new possibilities and change
- I am empathetic
- My attitude and passion towards life
What is important to me
- My family which includes my closest friends- I am a big supporter of my family and will always do what I can to turn up for them
- Getting out of town- the bush, the beach and the mountains are my restore and revive settings, nothing beats a good roady/bonfire with friends and family. I try not to go any longer than 2 months without a trip
- Netball and regular exercise
- My sticks and stones and plants and things
- Taking time to absorb the little things in life, smell the roses, see the stars, taste the rain
- New places and experiences- I’m a bit of an adrenalin junkie and love to explore when I can
- Variety! I need to change things up now and again in my personal and in work life
- Punctuality and reliability- I will always do my best to turn up, work to time frames and be on time (although I also don’t let it affect the rest of my day if I’m not)
- Living and working with integrity, and being a safe space for those that surround me
- To carry myself in a peaceful, calm and approachable way
- To continue to have my feet on the ground and have face to face time with people receiving support
What you need to know and do to support me…
- Please know that my family is my top priority-their health and wellbeing will always come first
- Conversations are far more beneficial to me than long written documents. Where possible, let’s yarn!
- Although I say let’s yarn, I am not much of a talker and prefer to observe, listen and speak when needed, please don’t mistake my quiet for disinterest
- I work better with the window ajar or door open, the airflow seems to move things around my head better
- I am not very good at ‘zoning out’, too many sounds at one time can be overwhelming for me, you may notice me leave a room/turn the radio down/stop talking in a group setting- this is me trying to calm my mind and gather my thoughts
- Winter is not the best season for me, I tend to fade with the sun, lots of positive encouragement and ‘fun’ time in those few months is good for me
- I prefer to use my cellphone for lists and reminders so text/email reminders are appreciated where possible
- Sometimes when I’m trying to answer a question or give detailed information, I can get a bit tongue tied- please excuse this- I will usually stop myself and re-word/re-order what I am trying to say. I am learning to slow down my thoughts before speaking
- I feel best when I get things done straight away- I can be a bit of a procrastinator so getting something done and decided then and there gives me a sense of achievement and takes a load off before I go home
- I operate a little bit like organized chaos which I’ve tried to remedy but seems to be my natural state and usually doesn’t affect things too much, let me know if things seem like they’re slipping though
- I tend to withdraw myself when feeling stressed or when something is getting me down, please don’t ask me if I am ok, just a ‘what’s happening for you right now? Is good
- I struggle to be indoors for a full day so will always try to take some time during the day to get outside and clear my mind